Sunday 21 May 2017

the 2017 Economist cover using Hebrew dates UPDATED

 REF original    but please loo at the new information.

I had been thinking Gregorian but the start of the Jewish religious year is Nisan (April in 2017).  there are only 8 cards, I should have caught that.

Number values stay the same

Card 1    value 16    Nisan     (12 April) Passover and 1st day of the counting of the Omer
Card 2    value 20    Lyar       (16 May) Trump Impeachment Threats / market biggest down day of 2017
Card 3    value 21    Sivan      (15 June) The Grenfell Tower Fire, London. Grenfell / Germanic: Guard of the settlement.  Guard destroyed? See what happens in card 4 below!
Card 4    value 9      Tamuz    (3 July ) 9 Tammuz 3175 - 586 B.C.E:  The Babylonian armies of King Nevuchadnetzar breached the walls of Jerusalem. 9 Tammuz 63 BCE Rome enters Jerusalem.
King world News, Andrew McGuire warns of  large gold price increase in early July.

What is also interesting is the people in the valley with the protest signs are gold in color and seem to resemble a flood or dam break. 

Card 4 Hebrew date 9 Tamuz.  Count the mountains, 4 peaks (4th month, tamuz), in numerology the moon has a value of "2" plus 6 stars = 8 and if you count the Hermits lantern "9"   4th month 9th day.

Card 5    value 13     Av         (5 Aug) [DEATH CARD]   
Card 6    value  1     Elul        (23 Aug) 2 days after total solar eclipse traverses USA. 

Are the printed houses how the magicians are going to get themselves out of the crisis?  Using the mortgages they bought as collateral?

Card 7 is 10 Tisheri (30 Sept 2017).  Card 6 is the Magician (which I think is Money printing from the central banks) 23 Aug 2017 or 1 Elul 5777

on the 3-D printer on the Magician card it shows 4 completed houses with a 5th half done and the 3D (that looks like a thirty) on the side of the printer....   5th month is AV and the 30th of AV in 2017 is 22 August 2017 (Just one day prior to 1 Elul 5777).

1 Elul - 1312 B.C.E.:
The Egyptians were punished with Kinim, the third plague.1 Elul 4598 - 838 C.E.: An army led by Shmuel Hanagid destroyed the army of Abu Abbas (the vizier of Amir Badis) in Almaria. [Present day Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian authority?]

Card 7    value 10   Tishrei         (30 Sept) Yom Kippur / Hebrew Day of Atonement
Card 8    value 17   Cheshvan    (6 Nov ) Begining of the Economic flood? History:
17 Cheshvan 1656 - 2106 B.C.E.:

The rains of the Mabul (flood) began to fall (according to Reb' Eliezer) flooding the earth and rising above the highest mountains. Only Noach and his family survived, in the Teyva / Ark built to that end by Divine command, and a pair of each animal species, who entered with him into the Teyva.

And this word from Rachel Baxter

UPDATE 1: 26 June 2017;

Card 7 is 10 Tisheri (30 Sept 2017).  Card 6 is the Magician (which I think is Money printing from the central banks) 23 Aug 2017 or 1 Elul 5777

on the 3-D printer on the Magician card it shows 4 completed houses with a 5th half done and the 3D (that looks like a thirty) on the side of the printer....   5th month is AV and the 30th of AV in 2017 is 22 August 2017.

I am wondering if the "Death card" (5 August 2017) is the fiery event Jeff Byerly has talked about?

UPDATE 2: 30 June 2017

Count the sun rays on the Death card, there are 31.  My proposed date of the Death card is 13 AV 5777 or 5 August 2017.

My proposed date of the Hermit card is 3 July 2017.  London metals trader Andrew McGuire has warned of a large upward price movement in gold 26 days from his 9 June interview on king world news. 9 June 2017 +26 = 5 July 2017.

5 July 2017 + 31 ( sun rays) = 5 Aug 2017 (the Death card date).

What is also interesting is according to Bix Weir Derivative contracts have a 30 day "Pay-up period".  If derivative loses occur on 5 July due to banks being on the wrong side of the price move then 30 days later they have to PAY UP.  What better way to keep that from happening than a national emergency due to some "event" taking place.

Combine this with the Magician card showing 5 houses printed and 3"D" on the side of the printer, which looks like a Thirty. 5th Hebrew month (Av) and 30th day (last day of the month) is 22 August 2017... the Magician card is 1 Elul 5777 or 23 August 2017... the following day.

Chicago Board of Trade....   Event in Chicago on 5 Aug ????

"On March 17, 2008, Chicago based CME Group signed a definitive agreement to acquire NYMEX Holdings, Inc. for $11.2 billion in cash and stock and the takeover was completed in August 2008. Both NYMEX and COMEX now operate as designated contract markets (DCM) of the CME Group"

UPDATE 3: 2 July 2017

 "Qatar only has until July 3 to comply with the 10-day ultimatum of 13 demands imposed by the Saudi-led bloc"

Possibility 2:

Using the Grenfell tower fire in London as the marker (the first card) and adding the values o those cards successively.

Grenfell 14 June 2017 + tower card value of 16 = 30 June 2017 "Judgement" + 20 = 20 July "the world" + 21 = 10 August "The Hermit" + 9 = 19 Aug "Death" + 13 = 1 Sept "The Magician" + 1= 2 Sept "The Wheel of Fortune" + 10 = 12 Sept 2017 "The Star" + 17 = 19 Sept 2017

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