Sunday 3 March 2019

Q post 2903 & major prophetic warnings

Q post 2903.  Why I think this is important is the warnings from Lois Vogel Sharp, Godshealer 7, Glynda Lomax.  The Deep-state is done once this stuff is released and they have no other course of action than a major event. 26 Feb plus 21 = 19/20 March


    Feb 26 2019 18:41:14 (EST) Anonymous ID: 67117c
    Feeling like Anons in US will be up late tonight following POTUS/Q in Vietnam.

Feb 26 2019 18:49:44 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: 1e2b4e
It’s going to be HISTORIC!
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
Q   LVS    GH7

All the same day release, 2 March 2019

Folks please prepare, store food, water, get some money out of the bank in small bills, silver & a means to protect those items.  MOST IMPORTANTLY Get right with Jesus.

If you do nothing else, the last is the most important.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Trump's border wall / Jerusalem's wall, same period

21 Feb 2019 is 16 Adar 5779

16 Adar 3390 - 371 B. C. E.:

King Cyrus (Koresh) of Persia permitted the building of the second Beit Hamikdash
On this day they began to rebuild the wall. This day was declared a Yom Tov as cited in Megillat Taanit.

16 Adar 3802 (3390?) - 42 C. E.:
Rebuilding of Yerushalayim Chomah (Wall) Begun (c. 42 CE). King Agrippa I, appointed by the Roman Emperor to rule over Judea, was pious and kind to his subjects. During his reign, the Jews began to prosper and live comfortably. The Sages of the time accorded him great respect. Agrippa I started construction to repair, broaden and heighten the chomah (wall) around Yerushalayim. The Romans, wary of the Jews' rising prosperity, placed many obstacles in his way. Nonetheless, the wall was completed, though the finished product was not as magnificent as originally planned. The 16th of Adar, the day when the construction of a gate for the wall commenced, was designated a holiday. 

The parallels are striking!

Wednesday 13 February 2019

LVS "123, strikes and you are out." A possible interpretation

I don’t know folks but just trying to find some common threads.

Prophecy – Economic Woe Financial Collapse Stocks Plunder 2-9-2019 Lois Vogel-Sharp
“123, strikes and you are out” 2:15 mark
Duration March 20 – October 30, 2019

Purim (Hebrew: פּוּרִים, Pûrîm “lots”, from the word pur, related to Akkadian pūru) is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman, a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther (Megillat Esther).
Purim begins at sundown on Wed, 20 March 2019.
Invasion of Libya on the Same Day as the Invasion of Iraq: The Vernal Equinox

The war on Iraq was declared on March 19th 2003.
Western forces attacked Libya on March 20th 2011.

"Is there an occult reason behind this? Both invasions occurred on the eve of the Vernal Equinox – a date that was – and still is – extremely significant throughout History. It is the date of the Sun’s resurrection and was often celebrated with a blood sacrifice to “impregnate the Earth”.

Prophecy – Economic Woe Financial Collapse Stocks Plunder 2-9-2019 Lois Vogel-Sharp
9 Feb 2019 + 40 days = 21 March 2019
“Because 40 appears so often in contexts dealing with judgment or testing, many scholars understand it to be the number of “probation” or “trial.”

the Spring Equinox is 20 March in 2019 and occurs at 5:58pm in NYC

When is the next Super Moon?

The next full moon is falling on March 20 and it will also be a Super Moon. However, the Moon won't be as close (360,772 km away) to the Earth as it is tonight. The March moon is called a Worm Moon, so the next month's Super Moon will be dubbed Super Worm Moon.