Sunday, 27 August 2017

The Tribulation has begun; 4 HEAVY prophetic words in 48 hours (Updated)

Heavy word from Bette Stevens

"From the time of the first solar eclipse to the return of the LORD Jesus Christ shall the beginning of the end come! Things never heard of Before. Open the seals..."

"The Hour is at Hand"

3 and a half minutes but WOW!

GH7 has another major word,
Prophecy given to Brother Dan but also wonder if it is a reference to Daniel 12:9
Daniel 12:9 New King James Version (NKJV)
9 And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

Godshealer7 “Hurricane Harvey 2017 judgement and Tribulation is begining”
Two very important words: Mena Lee Grebin and Julie Whedbee

Ladies and Gentlemen, Ask Jesus to become LORD and savior of your life NOW.  Ask him to forgive your sins as you forgive all those who have sinned against you (right from the LORD's prayer).  You are not promised tomorrow.

John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."

There is NO OTHER WAY to eternal life other than JESUS.  All other roads lead to eternal death in HELL.

Please see this wonderful 23 minute video of what awaits you as a new Christian... it will bring you to tears


Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Time of Judgments

   The time of judgments is upon My people.

   Judgments will begin to happen all around you now, My people. You will see judgment happening in the lives of those you know who have refused to repent, and you will see them happening on a national scale as well. You must accustom yourself to seeing these judgments and what accompanies them, for they will not cease now. My Word is being fulfilled in Its entirety so that I may return for you.

   Take heed that you remain humble and repentant yourselves, that you need not be chastened in your remaining time on the earth. 
Pray for those who are. Show kindness and compassion to those who are suffering and give to those in need.

   In this way, you will be storing up treasure in heaven, where you will soon be. The end is not a far off time, My children, for you are progressing swiftly towards it, even now.
1 Sept 2017 from Mena Lee Grebin
 I would to share several things that the Lord has shown me within the last week.

But I would like to start off by saying that we need to be in prayer for the state of Texas, as they recover from Hurricane Harvey. I was sent a clip on Facebook from a follower, of one of the last videos I did in September of 2016 called, "The Coming Sign". In it, I talked about a judgment I saw over the cities of Dallas and Houston, in the form of a hurricane.

We also now have "Irma", which is predicted to be a category 4, or even 5 hurricane, potentially threatening landfall on either the east coast or, God forbid, the gulf coast again.

On the day of the eclipse (August, 21st), I did a Facebook live video and told the people that judgment had begun on this country, and not to let anyone tell you this was not so. In the fifteen minute video, I spoke on how it was time for us to truly repent and cry out to the Lord. We are not in a reprieve, and the Lord has not relinquished on His judgment of this nation.

Four days later, Harvey hit.

In between those four days, the Lord spoke and told me that a pestilence/pandemic was coming. And this wasn't the first time He spoke this to me. In June of 2016, I posted that I was told that chaos was going to erupt in the country (I saw Obama with "chaos is coming" written on his forehead), as well as a pandemic. However, I wrote that I was told that it was two separate events, and wasn't given a time frame.

In the wee hours of Monday, the Lord said "The pestilence is coming..."

A couple of days later, I had a vision where I saw cars being used to kill. Now we know that this has already been the case in Europe, with members of ISIS using vans and trucks to plow into crowds at tourist attractions. I wasn't shown that it would specifically be ISIS (not that it's to be ruled out), but that we would see something similar here. I not only saw cars being used to hit people on sidewalks or in crowds, but also used to ram other cars, with the intent to kill.

Also I was shown that with the things that are unfolding, and will soon unfold, there will be an major impact on the economy.

As with all things, take this to prayer.

Pray for repentance and revival in America. And pray for the people of  Texas.

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

A "September of sorrows" given to Pastor Faircloth, released 30 Aug 2017

word at about the 7 min mark

“I looked out over the water and saw massive amounts of debris coming into the waterway. I saw pieces of rooftops, houses, and all manner of trash floating in the water. It was the leading edge of incredible amounts of fragments of what used to be homes and businesses. I didn’t understand where all this debris could possibly be coming from or what could cause such a mega-disaster. The cruise ship certainly would not escape being trapped in the rubble, the debris was so thick, I knew I could walk on top of it all the way back to Houston.
I heard a His voice say,’ ‘When you see this, it has begun.'

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Kerry Ann Gidden's NK missile dream and 12K
it is a 4 min video

After watching I had a strong urge to check the distance between Pyongyang to Tampa / McDill AFB, home of US Central Command

result: 12003 KM

Centcom is the brains of US Military operations.